the mission - immerse myself in his neighborhood empowerment network through interviews, pushing envelopes, and getting the point across to several big wigs in this city that the underprivileged are in need... myself included. daniel has also offered to help me find a part time job...somewhere...anywhere... it's about time i started making money. it's been... ...a while... and what better time to start working for peanuts than while simultaneously working on your master's thesis! a major selling point is the idea that i would get to walk into "work" and get to see this:

on a lighter note, california sucks. and here's why-
when i first came back to my chilly, ant/flea ridden apartment, i was greeted with a letter entitled: DENIAL: California Residency for tuition purposes. it later goes on to read that i have not indicated any intention on ever wanting to stay in california post schooling. this sadly puts a damper on my alaskan adventure: i was hoping to use my saved money for a trip to alaska to perform in a piece, present my study and see the many sights.
im currently working on an appeal letter to prove my intentions in the much-less-than-golden-state. here goes nothing...
love and loyalty