2. the guy actually looks exactly like karl marx... that's really his beard
3. it was a lot of socialism. i mean, i knew what i was getting myself into, but he just kept shouting...
at this point, i was so exhausted from the play that i didn't make any attempt at going out to meet people downtown, so i went back home and fell asleep.
saturday i read. i read a lot. graduate school = nonstop reading. it's quite the challenge. i also went out to locate and purchase my very first muni pass. a very successful day was followed with a very pleasurable evening. i met people! i met a lot people! it was a friend's birthday and she introduced me to all of her friends and i made even more friends as a result. networking!
on sunday, the birthday celebration continued at delores park. the park was swamped! people everywhere. there was a stage set up with music, food of all kinds available, dancing and kite flying. we had memosas and burritos. then, in between my many naps, a man came up to me and asked me to register to vote. it made the day even better. i am now a registered california voter. feels good. my voter registration number is in my hand next to the septembet muni pass.
i ended the evening with a delicious vegan meal at herbivore, a restaurant that prepares gourmet vegan entrees in walking distance of my place. magic!
today is all about reading and diner pancakes...(the best in california)...
love and loyalty
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