i keep waking up thinking that it's the end of the world. before that moment of recognition kicks in when you realize where you are, i seriously keep thinking that america is under attack. it's actually fleet week and the jets are just practicing for an actual attack or something. either way, ive been pretty freaked out this week when i wake up. faced with the end of the world every morning, ive decided to start looking at things a little differently. im taking some more chances and doing things that i've been wanting to do for a while, including disco dancing, opening up to my fellow students and climb to the top of the architecturally confusing student center building on campus.

ive been tempted to do this for awhile, but i always felt that it would look kind of corny to walk up there with a camera and ogle at the glimpse of the pacific ocean.

well i did it. thank you, fleet week. your terrorizing wake up calls have influenced me on a very positive level.
so much so that i am attempting to use the spices that i got in my big old care package sent from another reader (thanks again).

for now, im off to do some serious weekend enjoyment by catching a movie... by myself! ive never gone to a movie alone before, but it's time i tried it out. after all, you never know when those fighter jets are going to mean serious business.
love and loyalty
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