motown fits into that category.

when some friends had promised me a night of motown and greaser haircuts, i was gung ho and ready to have a good time.
then i found out where it was happening.

underground sf is a place for pretentious, know-nothing "hipsters" to parade around in their seemingly identical outfits that are all ironic in similar contexts. they go to a selection of places where they know everyone, drink to music marketed specifically towards them so they can still think they're individuals and always look like they're having a miserable time because smiling is too "low brow" or because society "did them wrong" or something equally as irritating.
so as you can see, i had my doubts about my night of motown. it's conveniently located less than two blocks away, so i invite everyone to meet up at my place for an easy commute and a serious collection of motown prior to our pilgrimage.
before we head out, i think to myself, "i really hope i don't walk in and i hear frickin' britney."
i basically screwed myself over because i walk in and guess who the dj was spinning?
frickin' britney.
so i wait around and watch the drinks get poured when finally the motown begins. unfortunately, dj kill-the-mood or whatever his name was played this incredibly awful remix where everything was drum and bass with familiar vocals from motown classics. awful. just awful. since it was my first night out, i didn't want my shattered hopes for a good time read across my face, so i danced when no one else was dancing to try and enjoy the music dj break-my-spirit was killing.
i did, however, meet some very interesting attendees who were equally as disappointed. they let me know where to go for jazz, motown and even for some bingo and lounge music. a minor victory after a rough, rough battle.
during the point of the night when everyone just stands outside and judges one another over tobacco and drunken nonsense, a guy in a fringed, navajo-looking jacket comes over to our group and starts complaining about israel.
"seriously, they should just get over the holocaust. what they are doing is so wrong." blah blah blah. awful.
first of all, when i am out dancing and trying to forget my troubles to motown, or anything for that matter, i am not going to bring up a war of 100 years to a conversation with a bunch of strangers. c'mon man, what a buzzkill! second, taking a side on something you clearly have little knowledge of leads me to believe that you don't understand how complicated this war has been. you're a moron dressed like a maulnourished, native-american enthusiast ballerina with the voice of pinnochio and the prejudiced attitude of someone living in a bubble. do you really think we want to talk to you about your disbelief in the koran (one of my friends from last night was muslim), how the bible is the word of truth (don't even get me started) or how you hate jewish people?
i kept my mouth shut, literally bit my tongue and finally just walked home and laughed about the evening i just had with the boys.
i think it got me itching to get a job and go back to school. thank goodness something good came out of it. plus, it gave me an excuse to slick my hair back and wear my dad's old golf shoes.

love and loyalty
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