yes, i caved.
people are lately posting a list comprised of information they may not often talk about on their internet profiles.
i must have received a dozen at least. in one instance, i received three of them in the course of an hour. at that point i knew: i must retaliate.
so, in the spirit of conformity, i offer you my list of 25 things that you may not know about me -
a bit of a warning, it was late at night and i wasn't entirely at my best.
1. I’m going through jars of Nutella on a weekly basis but I hate chocolate. I blame France.
2. I like to jump off cliffs, and in cases where I won’t safely land in water or snow, stand near the edge. Your feet are cold but your hands get clammy.
3. When I first moved to San Francisco, I didn’t have a home for two weeks and I didn’t know anyone. When I found a place, I slept on a twin mattress on the floor for a month. I now sleep comfortably in a queen because a fellow student’s housemate went to live in the mountains.
4. I like Fado, but I don’t understand a word of it. The songs are normally mournful tunes about the sea or the life of the poor, and that’s just fine by me.
5. I don’t like beer, onions, mayo, or the word "scoop." It just sounds terrible.
6. I won the male equivalent to Miss America… only it was just a pageant... for my high school’s graduating class. I think I won a gift certificate to the mall or something.
7. I like when my friends and loved ones back east send me little things (ahem). I don’t get any other mail.
8. My right pinky toe doesn’t work and generally never feels pain.
9. I don’t eat meat because it doesn’t sit well, not for animal rights or anything. I’m too concerned with my protecting my own rights.
10. I’m really getting into running on a daily basis. I don’t listen to any music because I’m afraid of not hearing an approaching vehicle or homeless person.
11. I wrote a limerick about a stuffed owl that would accompany my friends and me on adventures and it won me a scholarship at the end of my high school career. Thanks, Spotto.
12. Tempura rolls.
13. I live at the southernmost point of Hayes Valley, the westernmost part of Civic Center, the northernmost part of SoMa, and the easternmost part of the Castro. That’s a very good thing.
14. I once made fun of P. Diddy on television.
15. My favorite restaurant is in Little Italy on Mulberry Street.
16. I had two piercings at one time in my life. They’re both gone now. I swallowed my off center tongue ring and removed my septum because it just wasn’t the same without the tongue ring for some reason. Youth.
17. I like to request window seats on airplanes.
18. I once sang “La Marseillaise” naked in the Mediterranean with an Irishman, a French girl and some lovable New Yorkers very late in the evening.
19. I stress myself sick and I get it from my father.
20. I went through electroshock therapy to prepare for a piece I performed in New York. It was on low. We got to wear white coats!
21. James Brown helps me select groceries.
22. I wrote “God Bless” as my senior year quote because I thought it was funny at the time… but now I can’t remember why I thought it was funny. I wonder if people will think I was some born again or something. High school was a blur.
23. I haven’t owned a television for at least 5 years. There are too many remotes to go with one television these days.
24. This has successfully occupied enough time for me to finish my homework or fix myself some sandwiches but instead I am sitting here, aching to make it to 25. I can’t think of anything else so perhaps I’ll make something up to end it with a big, amazing finish. I like to make sure my friends enjoy themselves when I’m occupying their time.
25. My mother was skydiving when her water broke and had me upon landing. They told her not to do it 9 months pregnant, but she’s an adventurer and that’s probably where I get it.
26. Perfect.
love and loyalty