it's one of the planet's top ten parades- according to the expert critics of international parades...or something.
it really lived up to the hype.
maybe it's because 2009 is the year of the ox (and i just so happen to be one), but the parade just had this effect on me. perhaps it was the combination of fireworks and floats that consumed me. im not sure what it was, but i turned into a happy little 5 year old, waving at every float and dragon and smiling from ear to ear.
embarrassing, yes, but totally worth it.
enjoy some images!
i also set up a youtube account so i can upload my videos and post them on this site.
san francisco police department's super large dragon with fireworks down the street
ok these poor saps had to swing back and forth at the end of this horrible song every time it ended. here's the catch: the parade was caught up and for 10 minutes these poor kids had to swing back and wave to the same group of people every time. at least they stayed in character. the more they opened, the more the crowd cheered. it was either hilarious or horrible. i'm still not sure
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