Sunday, May 17, 2009

a piece of my heart

i am clearly still procrastinating

i've been getting a lot of questions from friends about life in new jersey as the majority of them have never really experienced the garden state.

one of the major questions is always about the infamous "jersey shore" and whether or not it is really that obnoxious.

in response, i present to all of you yet another documentary on the courting rituals and social etiquette that exist "down the shore" which continues to jeopardize the nation's opinion on living in new jersey.

my favorite part of this trash heap is when the dudes in their finest meathead attire give pieces of "jersey insight" ... enjoy

and to all of my jersey brethren, i apologize as everyone i associated with over there does not fit this stereotype whatsoever ... well except for a few people that come to mind, now that i'm thinking about it. crap

"it's dirty jerz, baby"

"we don't pump our gas, we pump our fists"

i understand that these girls that they follow around are incredibly annoying and frankly, quite boring, but the real gems are the montages of drunken jersey kids talking (tauwkin') about how great it is to be a jersey kid. it's priceless

jersey insight part 2 around the 4:30 mark - they're asked about the last book they have read

christ, a montage of moron's describing how they do their "blowouts"

i have to get back to work now, dawg

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