here's some available clips!
this one has been played the most. simply joyful.
it's like a block party soundtrack that never gets old. colors and jumping and sangria and dancing and love and smiling and friendships and ending in an eruption of fireworks. at this point i've seen and danced like an idiot in front of him while attempting to confess how his album is like colors and jumping and sangria and dancing and love and smiling and friendships and ending in an eruption of fireworks. at the time he didn't know a lot of english so there was a bit of a barrier in communication... outside of the dancing and shouting loudly about the colors and jumping and sangria and dancing and love and friendships and ending in an eruption of fireworks.
i signed up for a website in early 2008 that tracks how often i listen to songs in my library and since january 2008 i have listened to the 22 available tracks at least 2,469 times.
he has finally put out some new stuff four years later and i am sooooo ready for more colors and jumping and .... you get the picture.
here's an ep he will be releasing before his big full length album coming out in the fall. it's a collection of covers of south american standards.
El Guincho / Piratas de Sudamerica EP by Young Turks
although the warm months wont start in san francisco for a few more weeks, my summer has officially started.
welcome back, pablo!
love and loyalty
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