it has come to my attention that i have been neglecting this site upon my return to san francisco. my apologies.
here are some excuses -
1. i went to new jersey for some holiday cheer and it was again magical. there was a twist to this year's visit - no one thought i was coming. my father and first sister were the only ones who knew. i can replay the moment i walked into my family's house over and over and my mother's squeal is always the same, however the profanities afterward are different as i can't quite remember the order in which they were shouted.
dirty words aside, it really brought me back into the holiday spirit. i swear the west coast has no idea how to celebrate holidays. perhaps it's their weather that keeps them so 'leveled' throughout the year. i like the erratic highs and lows of the northeast. it keeps me on my thermal socks...or sandals - depends on the season. most of the time was spent having very lovely family moments. there were holiday traditions, stories of the year gone by and most important of all - italian foods. i ate everything thrown at me and often surprised myself with how much pasta i could fit in my body.
hibernation? sure, maybe. how about just hunger? unemployment is frustrating on the stomach and at the time i was very unemployed.
everything that can be 'parmegeaned' that i could stomach was inhaled, every slice of pizza was pulverized, spaghetti, spedini, linguini, ravioli, and so on in rotation
there was also holiday food
i believe i enjoyed christmas, however i may or may not have poisoned myself by trying to drink alcohol at a pace that can only be described as 'jersey strong'. i also had a reunion or two (or not enough) with 'team love' for new years and again - magic magic magic
2. i've been arting again - update soon
3. i've been trying to get healthy by committing to my gym membership
4. i've been writing again
5. i worked for a gallery i care not to discuss (but totally will with much detail after the contract expires)
6. i've been working on two twitter accounts, one is my personal account and the other is a new one and it'sssssss kind of inappropriate. i'm trying to document the hilarity that i hear everyday while living in the fruitiest town on the west coast. it's all out of love, of course - but still, just check it out.!/18th_n_Sasstro
love and loyalty!
aannd again im sorry for the delay
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