perhaps some details would assist...
the final paper for my intro to graduate studies class was due and so my head was glued to the articles and final paper, fact checking and synthesizing.
i needed to relieve my brain with some alternative treatments.
first up was a visit to the exploratorium, where a friend let me in for free (it helps to know videographers)
it's all about playing with the senses and discovering how insanely complex an organism really is.
as you can see, the place is huge. exhibits were everywhere, so my brain was pretty exhausted by the end.
kids! spinning panels! adventure!
ok this is the tactile dome. you voluntarily walk into a room that has zero light and have to climb through a twisting maze by feeling your way around. it was the most confusing twenty minutes i've had in a long time.
this is my tornado. i made it. i am god-like.
ok so let's play with perception! this is marilyn monroe. isn't she pretty? great. let's come back to this one.
this was where you can change colors and play with pigmentation. i was there for a good twenty minutes. do YOU know how to make mustard yellow?
that teacup wasn't actually there. i was really confused at first by this exhibit until i turned the corner and i was exposed to how the lighting made it appear that there was a solid substance in front of me. i put my finger inside to show you all how you too would've been tricked. it looked freaky so i took a picture.
this exhibit followed my eyes throughout different images and told me that im mostly interested in looking at blue colored things and am quick to respond to busy pictures. i probably didn't need an exhibit to tell me that, but it looked weird so i took a picture.
this chicken embryo is three days old. we weren't sure what was done with the embryos after the exhibit, because they were know... alive and junk. the videographer told me they are exposed of. eek.
pretty painting, yes? well once again, you've been lied to. it's actually bacteria in it's purest forms. still pretty.
haha and this was actually albert einstein. gross. made-ya look.
then i went to class and was face to face with joe tuman. i've followed his tv appearances and books for a while now so i basically turned into a little fan-boy. embarrassing.
once class had ended, i wound up exploring a flower shop/ illegal aquarium. the bed giver selected a fish to add to her growing family and the videographer and i perused the many fish obviously captured from the wild and sold for hundreds of dollars. i swear, there were fish worth more than i could ever amount to. in all honesty, who would actually pay six hundred dollars for an angry fish that attacks you whenever you walk by?
this fish. this monster fish that gets super pink and volatile the closer you get to it
i felt like i needed to get back in touch with the planet, so i bought a loaf of bread, brought some wine and the economist to delores park on thursday to catch up on the auto industry. maybe it's better that i stay in my little grad school cloud for a while... or move to brazil. it'd also be a good idea to get involved in advertising, seeing as how the industry had an 11% increase in productivity this quarter. here's my problem with that.... i can't stand advertising. i got pissed off the other day after making my first visit to the stonestown mall and finding an advertisement inside my table at the food court. i was just trying to eat my vegetable panini. i didn't need to see soda advertisements under my sandwich. i wouldn't mind a little regulation from the government on the amount of advertisements we're all exposed to.... right.
music! on friday, i saw one of my favorite musicians from my generation, Pablo Díaz-Reixa aka El Guincho. i've played his albums for a long time and suddenly i found his album in an american store and touring the country. pure joy. i was dancing like an absolute madman. i couldn't find anyone who knew or cared to see him, so i ventured on my own which gave me full opportunity to dance as if i was listening to him in my bedroom, which is exactly what i did. then a friend of mine who went in by chance saw me. whoops. i regret nothing.
his music is already over a year old, and i guess since it's only now available to the american public, he has to play his old jams. what was fun for his fans that have known him for a while was the amount of growth you can already see in his work as he had reformatted all of his songs. it was absolute perfection. i was so happy.
here is his first rendition of one of my favorite songs. enjoy!
saturday was when my head basically exploded. i went to the sf moma with robert to view derek jarmon's "caravaggio"

"Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was an Italian baroque artist known as much for his glowing realistic paintings as his rebellious and dangerous ways. This film is a fictionalized exploration of the Caravaggio legend, which centers around drunkenness, prostitutes, painting and a love triangle with Lena (Tilda Swinton) and Ranuccio (Sean Bean)."
i was silent for a while afterward. his work has a serious effect on me. i need more.
at dinnertime, my friend came over and showed me and a few other guests how long it takes to prepare scallops. the answer: a long time. he made us all amazing dinners, and we then took our full bellies to a night out in celebration of my roommate's birthday. that's right, i had a dinner party with friends and then brought back some other friends for an all night party that didn't stop until six in the morning, when my brain officially quit on me.
i slept and cleaned all day sunday. totally worth it. what a week.
love and loyalty
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