there's nothing like a dead nazi and a "real american" walking down the street carrying a flag with "drill baby drill" and "im a real american" written on it. there were some pictures taken by some onlookers. i was quite pleased. i'd like to thank san francisco for not burning me at the cross for being politically adorable and not getting all pissed off. many thanks.

the real highlight (or lowlight, depending on how you look at it) was when jonny and jimmy brought me to the lookout to see how halloween lovers truly partied. i was surrounded by the most impressive costumes ive seen in years. my moment of glory came when i was not only stopped by a few sarah palins, but when barack obama himself came to honor me with a photograph. i was too shy and nervous so i bowed in his presence... the nazi, however, didn't seem to mind.

unfortunately, a man in bridal wear offered me some "homegrown" entertainment from a crack pipe so i fell out of the halloween spirit and went home.
on saturday, lucas and i woke up to discover that the raining season had officially begun, summer had ended and we had successfully avoided any hangovers. with last evening still on our brains, we walked to the castro to develop lucas' disposable camera. while walking down the street, we found ourselves walking into paparazzi and video cameras without warning. thoroughly freaked out, lucas pointed out the one and only mayor of san francisco, gavin newsom, campaigning for no on prop 8. what a guy.
after we dropped off the photos for development, we started to make our way for some necessary brunching. the casual walk came to a climax when i curiously glanced into a wine shop, and who was at the register finishing a transaction? mr. gavin newsom. it gets better. he turned, looked at me and smiled. get a look at this powerful figure and understand why i was weak in the knees for a bit.

so much power. one day, michael. one day.
disregard his wife. i think that's what the majority of san francisco likes to do when thinking about gavin newsom. what a political heartthrob.
after an intense brunch session, lucas again started singing songs from his beloved disney films. i had had enough. below, i offer you the documentary i used in my freshman year undergraduate presentation on the disney corporation as a major media influence in our country:
ever since i looked into the disney corporation and its potential effects it had on my youth, i've been able to justify a lot of concerns i've had about raising children under the mouse ears. don't get me wrong, i was raised with the films myself and i was just as excited as any other kid to see goofy in person at disneyworld back in the second grade. however, i didn't really fit into their ideal male image as a youth and didn't see it in my future, so i had always longed for the more emotionally developed, sincere male figure. i was detached, confused and later frustrated as more and more films came out with the same messages. perhaps that is why i never played by their rules with their products and created my own little play world. there was one character that i first read about in a book my parents gave me by tim burton that later turned into "the nightmare before christmas." disney finally did something right. jack skellington was their anti-hero, offering a different kind of male protagonist. he was the one character i was drawn to. of course, it wasn't their character in the first place. it makes a lot of sense now.
i'd be more than happy to talk it out with anybody interested.
i had officially ruined lucas' childhood and sent him on his way when out of the blue, an old friend from my freshman year at montclair let me know that she was visiting san francisco. i put on my finest pair of suspenders and showed her a good night.
somehow i managed to wake up with enough time to go back to the san francisco academy of sciences for another round of:
penguin habitat,

indoor living rain forest,
planetarium and tourists with melissa, the bed giver.
today, i went to city hall to vote early so i can focus on volunteering for no on 8 tomorrow.
i wasn't the only one thinking about getting it done a little early. i had to wait two and half hours. on the plus side, it was a great walking tour of city hall.
if you know me, you know how i voted on two major issues, but just because i am so proud of those particular votes, i offer them to the internet for the world to see.
as a californian, i also voted on around 30 other issues, but these two were pretty exciting.
tomorrow, ill be on castro street to watch as california counts the results for prop 8. it should be pretty exciting. as always, ill be sure to document it.
ill keep you all posted!
by the way... for all of you keeping track - ill be back in new jersey from december 15 through january 14. better start making your reservations now, dear east coast friends.
love and loyalty
vote tomorrow!
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