Thursday, June 9, 2011

a few comparisons

#SUMMERinNJ - yoga at sunrise on your roof #SUMMERinSF - hot tea at sunrise in your oversized hoodie and sweatpants

#SUMMERinNJ - NYC,Philly,JC, Hoboken, New Brunswick nights that last lifetimes. #SUMMERinSF - afternoons in the park before the wind comes


#SUMMERinNJ - RITA's italian ice in sandals #SUMMERinSF - vegan, non dairy ice cream in rain boots

#SUMMERinNJ - pack a tube-top/ guinea-t #SUMMERinSF - pack a parka

#SUMMERinNJ - sunscreen and aloe vera #SUMMERinSF - allergy medication and wind-resistant moisturizer

#SUMMERinNJ - sleeping with the window in your apartment wide open and enjoying the light breeze #SUMMERinSF - extra blankets & night sweats

#SUMMERinNJ - short shorts as a necessity #SUMMERinSF - short shorts as painful irony

#SUMMERinNJ - watching shooting stars on the roof of your car #SUMMERinSF - stars?

#SUMMERinNJ - an easy drive to the beach with loved ones and enjoying the refreshing ocean #SUMMERinSF - cali traffic and the frigid pacific

#SUMMERinNJ - county fairs and young love #SUMMERinSF - occasional, unscheduled freak-shows and casual sex at your front door

which reminds me...

#SUMMERinNJ - Make sure you know the number for the free clinic #SUMMERinSF - Make sure you know the number for the free clinic

#SUMMERinNJ - beautiful isolated thunderstorms you can watch from your porch with a lemonade #SUMMERinSF - watching umbrellas flip inside-out from inside your apartment

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